Peter Maria Schuster

Born in Vienna, Austria, on the 26th of October, 1939;
Studied history, Japanese, mathematics and
physics at the University of Vienna;

1967 Doctor's degree (Dr. phil.) in physics;

1968 One-year scholarship in literature;

1969 Career as an industrial manager and physicist
in Germany, director of marketing at Carl Zeiss
in Oberkochen, Germany;

1976 Founding and directing of the trade and industrial plant
AOL-Dr. Schuster, Analytik, Optik, Lasertechnik in Vienna;

1987 Cancer of the larynx; renunciation of his shares
in the company.

1988 Essayist, science writer, poet and novelist;

On the 5TH of March, Peter Maria Schuster discovered Doppler’s dying place to be at the house No. 4133 of the Riva degli Schiavoni in Venice.
On the 6TH of March, Peter Maria Schuster discovered the commemoration stone to Christian Doppler, fallen into oblivion, at San Michele the cemetery island of Venice.

Dr Peter M. Schuster discovered the Doppler daguerreotype, the only
one of Doppler that has survived, in the personal property of Mrs.
Dorothea Merstallinger, Doppler's great granddaughter.

1999 Member of the scientific board of the
Christian Doppler Foundation in Salzburg; 

2000 Member of the Österreichischer P.E.N.-Club;

2004 Golden Decoration of Merits of the Salzburg Land, Austria;

The governor of the federal province of Salzburg, Austria,
Landeshauptfrau Mag. Gabi Burgstaller
hands over the decree and insignia of the Golden Decoration of Merits of the Salzburg Land to Dr. Peter Maria Schuster
at the Salzburg Residenz on the 16th of November, 2004.
2005 President of the Section "History of Physics" of the Austrian
Physical Society (ÖPG)

2006/07 Award for literature of the Austrian Government

2007 President of the Group "History of Physics" of the
European Physical Society (EPS)

2007 President of the Victor Franz Hess Society

2009 Member of the Academia Europaea

2010 Director of the European Centre for the History of Physics 'echophysics' and of the 'Victor Francis Hess' Research and Heritage Centre, both institutions are located at Poellau Castle in Poellau near Hartberg, Styria-Austria.

15th August 2013
Federal President Dr. Heinz Fischer visits Dr. Peter Maria Schuster at the Museum Echohysics in Pöllau

 Dr. Lily Wilmes-Schuster, Landtagsabgeordneter Wolfgang Böhmer, Margit Fischer, Bundespräsident Dr. Heinz Fischer, Dr. Peter Maria Schuster, Bürgermeister Johannes Schirmhofer, Vizebürgermeister Günter Gaugl
Archive Echophysics / Photo: J. Zugschwert


Mrs. Margit Fischer, who also speaks Swedish, translated the Nobel prize document of Victor F. Hess
Archive Echophysics / Photo: F. Zangl

September 25, 2014
The municipality of Poellau expresses their thanks and appreciation to Dr Peter Maria Schuster for his special commitment and extraordinary performance deployed to set up in Poellau the Victor Francis Hess Society and the European Centre for the History of Physics. In recognition of her fair assistance, Dr Schuster's wife Dr Lily Wilmes – the secretary of both associations – was presented a colourful bouquet of flowers.
Pictured, from left, are:
Johann Schirnhofer,
Bürgermeister von Pöllau, Dr. Peter M. Schuster, Dr. Lily Wilmes-Schuster, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang E. Ernst, Präsident der ÖPG, Hofrat Mag. Max Wiesenhofer, Bezirkshauptmann Hartberg-Fürstenfeld

Foto: ÖPG / Karl Riedling
April 2014:
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Christian Doppler Fund

31 May 2016
In the course of an awarding celebration at the Graz Castle, the Land Governor of Styria, Landeshauptmann Hermann Schuetzenhoefer, and the president of the Styrian Assembly, Landtagspräsidentin Bettina Vollath, confer by decree of the Austrian Federal President, Bundespräsident Dr Heinz Fischer, the nomination «Professor» to Dr Peter Maria Schuster.

v.l.n.r.: Landeshauptmann der
Steiermark Hermann Schützenhöfer,
Prof. Dr. Peter M. Schuster,
Landtagspräsidentin Bettina Vollath

10 November 2016
Bestowal of the Big Batch of Honour of the Styria Land,  «Großes Ehrenzeichen des Landes Steiermark», on Prof Dr Peter Maria Schuster, celebrated by the Land Governor of Styria, Landeshauptmann Hermann Schuetzenhoefer,  at the Large Assembly Hall of the venerable University of Graz

Landeshauptmann der
Steiermark Hermann Schützenhöfer,
Prof. Dr. Peter M. Schuste

26 January 2018
At the occasion of the public opening ceremonies of the fully renovated historical Large Fresco Hall at Poellau Castle is conferred to Prof Dr Peter Maria Schuster the Badge of Honour of the market town Poellau.
The much noted laudation was given by Prof Dr Heinz Krenn of the University of Graz.

Landeshauptmann der
Steiermark Hermann Schützenhöfer,
Prof. Dr. Peter M. Schuster

Foto: Markus Lang
Marktgemeinde Pöllau

Prof. Dr. Peter M. Schuster,
Bürgermeister Johann Schirnhofer

Foto: Markus Lang
Marktgemeinde Pöllau


28 August 2919
At the joint 2019 Annual Meeting of the Austrian and Swiss Physical Societies, OePG and SPG, Prof Dr Peter Maria Schuster is declared an «Honorary Member» of the Austrian Physical Society OePG.


Foto: Karl Riedling

Resident at Vienna and Pöllauberg/Styria, Austria.

Two sons and one daughter, born in 1962, 1965, 1966,
from his first marriage; three sons, born in 1987, 1989, 1992,
from his second marriage.

Author of the novel "Unter dem Kreuz",

of the monographs "Christian Doppler", "Simon Stampfer
and "Weltbewegend – unbekannt, Leben und Werk
des Physikers Christian Doppler und die Welt danach";
the English translation of the latter being:

"Moving the Stars: Christian Doppler—His Life, His Works and Principle,
and the World After",

of various literary essays,

of the scripts for the TV-movies "Christian Doppler",
"Joseph Loschmidt", "Victor Hess" and "Fritz Pregl",

and of an epical lyrics series on six of the great Austrian physicists,
on Christian Doppler: "Schöpfungswoche, Tag eins" (in German and Czech),
on Joseph Loschmidt: "Schöpfungswoche, Tag zwei"
on Josef Stefan: "Schöpfungswoche, Tag drei";
to be followed.

of the anthology "Und was geschieht mit dem Licht? Physiker, Dichter und andere Reisende. Essays."

In preparation:

a novel on Ludwig Boltzmann: "Die letzte Antwort auf alles – Ludwig Boltzmann";

on Ludwig Boltzmann: "Schöpfungswoche, Tag vier",
and on Ernst Mach: "Schöpfungswoche, Tag fünf".